瑞穗:将沃尔格林联合博姿(WBA.O)目标价上调至41美元 维持中性评级

瑞穗分析师Ann Hynes将沃尔格林联合博姿(WBA.O)的目标价从36美元上调至41美元,并维持对该股的中性评级。该分析师认为,管理型医疗和药品分销商的盈利能见度仍然良好,但她逐步认为医院的前景改善最多。该分析师在一份研究报告中告诉投资者,鉴于基线利用率可能继续恢复,以及劳动力的稳定/改善,2023年急症护理部门的盈利能见度很高。



英文名称:Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.

公司网址: investor.walgreensbootsalliance.com



公司总裁:Rosalind Brewer

办公地址:108 Wilmot Road Deerfield Illinois

Walgreens Boots Alliance(Nasdaq:WBA)是一家集医疗保健、制药和零售为一体的领先企业,拥有170年的社区关怀传统,每天为数百万客户和患者提供服务。


WBA拥有超过325,000名员工,并通过其消费品牌组合在九个国家开展业务:Walgreens、Boots、Duane Reade、No7 Beauty Company、墨西哥的Benavides和智利的Ahumada。此外,WBA在多个国家/地区拥有以医疗保健为重点的投资组合,其中包括中国和美国。

该公司为其对健康社区、健康地球、包容性工作场所和可持续市场的贡献感到自豪。WBA因其对可持续经营的承诺而受到认可:该公司是Dow Jones可持续发展指数(DJSI)的指数成分股,并被评为2022年最佳企业公民100强。

Walgreens Boots Alliance (Nasdaq: WBA) is an integrated healthcare, pharmacy and retail leader serving millions of customers and patients every day, with a 170-year heritage of caring for communities.

A trusted, global innovator in retail pharmacy with approximately 13,000 locations across the U.S., Europe and Latin America, WBA plays a critical role in the healthcare ecosystem. The company is reimagining local healthcare and wellbeing for all as part of its purpose – to create more joyful lives through better health. Through dispensing medicines, improving access to a wide range of health services, providing high quality health and beauty products and offering anytime, anywhere convenience across its digital platforms, WBA is shaping the future of healthcare.

WBA employs more than 325,000 people and has a presence in nine countries through its portfolio of consumer brands: Walgreens, Boots, Duane Reade, the No7 Beauty Company, Benavides in Mexico and Ahumada in Chile. Additionally, WBA has a portfolio of healthcare-focused investments located in several countries, including China and the U.S.

The company is proud of its contributions to healthy communities, a healthy planet, an inclusive workplace and a sustainable marketplace. WBA has been recognized for its commitment to operating sustainably: the company is an index component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) and was named to the 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2022.

