
纽约梅隆银行股票交易策略:2022.10.21 从技术图形上看,股价处于中长线下跌趋势中,建议中长线尽量回避。短线交易建议在36美元-42美元之间高抛低吸,跌破32美元建议止损离场,耐心等待下一个交易区间。从K线组合来看,暂时看不到中线级别及以上的上行空间。从基本面来看,2022财年Q3实现营业收入41.91亿美元,YoY+5.86%,归属普通股股东净利润3.19亿美元,YoY-63.79%,EPS 0.39美元。每股季度股息0.37美元。不建议中长线持有。


2021.10.21 从技术图形上看,股价处于上涨趋势中,建议短线交易在20日均线上方多单持有,中长线在60日均线上方多单持有,进一步走强的可能性极高,如果冲破800元,可能会挑战历史新高。出场顺序,短线交易股价跌破20日均线转空,中长线交易跌破60日均线转空。从基本面来看,股价与公司业绩存在一定溢价,投资者应当注意追高的风险。股价出现较大回落时要考虑止损交易。



英文名称:The Bank Of New York Mellon Corporation

公司网址: www.bnymellon.com

员工人数:49100 历史数据:48500


公司总裁:Catherine Keating

办公地址:240 Greenwich Street New York New York 10286

2022.10.17 2022财年Q3实现营收达到41.91亿美元,同比增长5.86%,净利润为3.19亿美元,同比下降63.79% ;摊薄后每股收益为0.39美元。



BNY Mellon is a global investments company dedicated to helping its clients manage and service their financial assets throughout the investment lifecycle. Whether providing financial services for institutions, corporations or individual investors, BNY Mellon delivers informed investment and wealth management and investment services in 35 countries. As of Sept. 30, 2021, BNY Mellon had $45.3 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration, and $2.3 trillion in assets under management. BNY Mellon can act as a single point of contact for clients looking to create, trade, hold, manage, service, distribute or restructure investments. BNY Mellon is the corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (NYSE: BK). Additional information is available on www.bnymellon.com. Follow us on Twitter @BNYMellon or visit our newsroom at www.bnymellon.com/newsroom for the latest company news.
